Sunday, May 6, 2012

Last Weekend in Rome

They say all good things have to come to an end.

Unfortunately this semester, I have learned the bitter truth to this phrase. As I'm coming up at the end of my trip, I can't help but look back and already miss this place which I've called home for the past three months. Granted, I still have 4 days left or so, but I am sure they will pass just as quickly as the first 100 or so.

This weekend has been a lot of fun! On Thursday, I had a final in my High Renaissance art class, which I am now done with! I also had an Italian oral exam which I actually didn't do too badly on. Unfortunately, I didn't feel well afterwards and spent most of the day in bed. A friend of mine took care of me, and I really appreciated it! I am not good at being sick!

On Friday, I felt a lot better. Claudio and I met up with Mel and Zacheriah and we got some gelato in the Monte Mario area, a residential area Northwest of Rome. I got a cup of chocolate fondente and ferrero rocher (delicious), no panna of course. Mel and I went back to her place, and we got felafels. Mel and I went to DJ bar and then later Scholars, which turned out to be a lot of fun!

The next day, I slept in and didn't really get up until 3 pm. After hanging out for a bit, all of us met up to go to Zacheriah's place where he made homemade pizza for us- delicious! Later on we went to Scholars again and just hung out and relaxed.

Today, I met up with Claudio and we had lunch together, pasta with tomato sauce, garlic, and pepper. I will missing having Italians cook for me! Soon, I plan on trudging through the rain to Melissa's flat so I can get some gelato with her.

The next four days or so, I plan on visiting the Vatican again, getting some souvenirs for folk back home, and maybe seeing a few more sights. I have two finals left, and I will be done on Thursday. Thursday evening will probably consist of me sitting in a corner crying!!!!

Miss you all at home, but I will see you very soon!


1 comment:

  1. Aww...well make the most of your last days! And can't wait to see you and hear all of your amazing experiences! :D
