Tuesday, January 31, 2012


After two days of lessons, I feel like I have learned A LOT of Italian! I am glad I decided to take the more advanced one; it definitely is a challenge, but if you're reading this, you probably know me and how I am!

Today after classes a few friends and I went to a pizzeria and ordered a mahrgerita pizza- your standard cheese pizza, baked in a stone oven with mounds of mozzarella and a creamy tomato sauce. Molto bene!

Afterwards, we walked around Florence, ending up in San Lorenzo, where a lot of the markets and stores are. The outside kiosks sell things such as scarves, purses, boots, souvenirs, and pretty much anything you can imagine. I bought a leather jacket (it wasn't insanely expensive, parents!) and I really like how it looks and feels. When I come back in the summer, I feel like I'll be dressing like a fashionista! Ofcourse, it will probably be 90 degrees then in May!

After that, we had a meeting to attend talking about our Rome classes. It looks like I'll be taking Intermediate Italian I, High Renaissance Art, Ancient Roman and Greek Art, and Michelangelo in Rome. What a treat it will be to go to class where the art actually is, rather than looking at slides in a classroom!

Also, I found out yesterday where I'll be living- it's in the Northern section of Rome, one of the wealthiest areas apparently- so maybe I'll have a nice room! It's on the third floor, and the family's name is Berucci. More information to come!

Tomorrow I'll be heading towards the Uffici Museum and will be in class in the morning as well.


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