Sunday, January 29, 2012

In Italia!


It's a little past noon here and I'm on my third day in Italy! My luggage got lost at the airport in Pisa, which was wonderful. No sweat, though, I have it now!

That night, I was tired and ready for bed. I think I'm turning into a morning person here!

We have been busy here nonstop, doing things like icebreakers, and tours around Italy. I just took an Italian placement test, which I'm not sure I did great, but maybe I'll pass one class over.

Today at 2 we'll have an art tour, which should be interesting. I got a phone and some books so I'll be ready for classes tomorrow! The city isn't terribly hard to navigate, but is better than London! I also finally had some chocolate gelato (ofcourse) last night, which was very tasty.

I'll try loading some pics, let's see how it works out!

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