Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oh there's no place like London....

Hello everyone!

After a flight from St. Louis to Newark, with a five hour layover, and then an overnight plane ride, I finally made it to London cerca 7:25 am, 1:00 am our time. I only got about an hour of sleep on the plane ride, so I was pretty tired! Once we got dropped off at our hotel, the girl I flew with and I walked around High Street, in Kensington. We looked around at the shops and went to Hyde Park where Jane Austen's infamous characters often visited.

Later I had lunch at a French cafe (I had a salad) and got back to the hotel to check into our rooms. Crashing, I took a 3 hour nap, then went to an AIFS meeting to go over what we were doing the next day or so. Later, Christine and I went to a pizzeria place where they served a pretty good pizza! 1 pound roughly equals $1.50, and things are pretty expensive here.

Anyways, fast forward to tomorrow: after having a continental breakfast from the hotel, our group went on a 3 hour tour of London, which was interesting and gave plenty of opportunities for pictures! We went to places like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's church, and across the Millennium Bridge. Afterwards, a group of us went to lunch at a burger place. By the way, sodas here come in a bottle and they give you a glass to drink it out of- I still drank it out of the bottle anyways. ;)

We walked around London a bit more, then ended up at the Tate Modern Art Museum where they had some pretty famous works there from Surrealists, Post Expressionists, Abstract Expressionism, Futurism, etc, etc. Very neat place! After that, we made our way back to the hotel via the tube, their underground subway.

Which leads me to here where I am- a McDonalds, finally getting wifi to type this up! So everyone, I am safe and sound here and am looking forward to tomorrow's flight to Florence (except for the fact that we have to check out by 6 am!)

Tata for now!

More pics to come when I don't have 20 minutes of battery left! No plugs at Mcdonalds :(


  1. I'm so jealous! Oh I hope you two have so much fun in Europe. :)

    -Chelsea M

  2. Yay!!! You're already having an amazing time!!! This is the trip I would dream of being able to go on! :P
