Tuesday, March 6, 2012



I thought I'd write a little bit about my trip this past weekend. After going to the Vatican, I headed over to my friend's apartment where the six of us met up to leave. We left and took a taxi to Rome termini which is the train and bus station in Rome. Afterwards, we took a bus to the airport and got dinner there, which wasn't too expensive considering it was airport food in Europe. I got a chicken sandwich which was nice considering I hadn't had chicken in awhile. We then waited for a bit to board and were soon on our way to Spain!

We didn't land until close to midnight, and had to take a taxi to the hotel. It was a really nice one, and it had 2 beds and a rollout bed as well and was stocked with a minifridge and a nice bathroom. My friend Lydia's mom works at a Marriot and got a discount on the room so we didn't have to pay as much... always a plus!

The next day, we woke up and ended up at a pita place where we all had a delicious chicken pita with fries and a drink. It was very tastey and VERY filling. We then walked around the city, looking at tourist spots, cathedrals and whatnot. We ended up at the dock where we chilled for a bit, taking in the rays and the beautiful sights. Overall, it was a very relaxing trip, which was a nice break from hectic Rome.

Later, we went out to dinner at a buffet where there was a salad bar, pasta, pizza, woks, and dessert. I took advantage of the soft serve icecream for sure, which tasted so different from gelato. It was good nevertheless. A little later, Jocelyn and I went out to see the nightlife in Barcelona. Apparently we left too early though --- a lot of people don't go out until 2 or 3 in the morning! I don't know how they do it.

The next day, we had Mcdonalds, which I hadn't had since London. Every once in awhile it's nice to have french fries and chicken nuggets, even though they're terrible for you! Afterwards we wandered around some more, exploring the city. By the time dinner rolled around, the group split up and three of us went out to a more traditional Spanish restaurant where I had a mediterrenean salad and bread. Since that wasn't filling enough, we stopped for gelato which was nowhere near as good as it is here in Italy!

On our last day in Spain, we ended up at a crepe place where I had a chocolate crepe with chocolate ice cream--- all in all, amazing. I think that was everyone's favorite place. We tried going to the Picasso museum, but it was closed! So instead we went to a park and hung out. Soon, it was already time to go and we headed back to the airport and flew to Rome. We got back around 10:30, and I took a bus and got home 45 minutes later.

It was a really fun trip and I am glad I got to see Spain! Something weird was the fact that a lot of the stuff there was in Portuguese, and the city is pretty far from that country. Apparently Spain has five different dialects, so it gets a little confusing. I really liked Barcelona, it felt like a more modern city, with wider streets and newer buildings and lots of cool sculptures. I tried using a little Spanish, and two of the girls I went with spoke it, so we got around alright.

I have another trip planned as well... Paris! I'll be leaving March 22nd and staying there for three days. I think this weekend I will be staying in Italy, and next weekend the whole AIFS group is going to Naples. I'm sure before I know it, March will be over with and spring break will be upon us!

Ciao for now!

More pictures coming soon!

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