Friday, March 30, 2012


Hello everyone!

It's been a busy week here, and I am just now going to write about my Paris trip from last weekend. Sorry for the wait!

So Thursday after my Italian class, Lydia, Tracey, and I went to the airport, boarded our plane, and were off to  Parigi. We got there around 7pm and took a taxi to the hotel. Once there, we got some food at the cafe (I got a caesar salad, something I've been craving for quite some time) and a delicious cookie and the other girls got sandwiches. We decided to call it an early night, since we were all pretty beat. It was Lydia's birthday that day as well!

Anyways, the next day we got up early to go to the Louvre. We took Paris' metro system, which is SO much better then Rome's and found a cafe where we got sandwiches and delicious French fries. I got a coke which apparently cost 8 euro *tears* but was delicious atleast. Afterwards, we made our way into the Louvre where we saw many, many great works of art. The museum is huge! We were so worn out after five hours, walking around. You could probably stay a whole week there and not get bored. I'll make sure to include some works of art below in the photo section! After the Louvre, we went to eat at a restaurant by the hotel and later saw the movie the Hunger Games. It was really good, but as usual, I preferred the book.

The next day, we got a late start due to our comfortable beds and managed to get up to see the famous cemetery where many famous people are buried, such as Poulenc, Rossini, Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Ingres, Delacroix, Chopin, and so many more! It was really neat- the place was huge! Afterwards we visited Notre Dame, and ended up ordering pizza and chilling at the hotel.

On Sunday, we went to Versailles, but the line was so long we decided it wasn't worth waiting since we had so many other things to see in the day. We made our way towards the Eiffel tower and got crepes (mine was filled with chocolate, ofcourse). Afterwards, we went on a riverboat tour on the Seine where we got to see all of the sights of Paris on the water. It was a lot of fun and a nice relaxing way to spend a few hours. Afterwards, we ended up at Paris' Triumphal Arch which is at the end of the street where all of the most famous shops in Paris are located. Once we were done taking our pictures, we headed back and got another meal by the hotel and went to bed early so as to get up for our flight in the morning.

However, things didn't quite go as planned. We ended up missing our flight! but luckily got to reschedule it for not too much money. Still, it was stressful waking up to the sunlight, knowing it very well should have been dark. It's all a part of traveling I guess. We flew back to Rome and had lunch at a place by our school called the Perfect Bun. I had some delicious, unhealthy chicken strips and Tracey and Lydia had quesadillas and nachos. It was the only way to go after the day we had.

On Tuesday, I had to go back to school, where we learned about how to use the Conditional in Italian. For instance, vorrei un gelato = I would like a gelato, which is a more polite way of asking something. The next day, I had a midterm in my Michelangelo class and we visited Augustus' tomb and Ara Pacis from ancient times. Later on, I met up with Melissa and we had some bruschetta and went out to Scholars. We also did some shopping that day and I bought a few nice summer dresses at my new favorite store, Zara.

Then on Thursday, I had class again; I went to San Marcello Church which is off of Via del Corso, where most of Rome's shops are located. I also went to Italian class and learned more about the conditional tense. For dinner, Melissa and I ate at Dar Poetta, a WONDERFUL pizza place that serves amazing pizza. Later on, we went to a bar in Trastevere where we just sat and chilled, drinking a bottle of wine. It was nice to relax after a semi-stressful week.

Today, I woke up and we got falafels and gelato and I had to go to Italian class and watch a movie. It was pretty good, but confusing, considering the language it was done in!

That's it for now; I'll try to update the blog more. It takes awhile for pictures to load, so stay tuned for more pics from Paris!


1 comment:

  1. All I can say is: "HELLFIRE! BOOM HELLFIRE! BOOM!" I hope you sang something Hunchback related when you got to see Notre Dame! lol
