Sunday, March 11, 2012


Ciao all!

It's been busy here in Italy! Last time I left off, I think it was Thursday evening. The next day, I went to the Vatican again and saw some more artwork which was nice but I wasn't really feeling a hundred percent. I have had a cold this past weekend which has not been pleasant to say the least.

Later in the day, Melissa and I went to the train station, got our tickets, and were off to Perugia, a small town in central Italy. We arrived there later in the evening, and accidentally got off on the wrong stop! We were one stop away, but we ran into a lady who was really helpful and showed us the way to get to the hostel.

Perugia is hilly! We had to climb a lot of hills and take a lots of steps (and escalators!) to get there, but we did in fact make it. After settling in, we found out we got a room to ourselves and went and had dinner. We ordered mixed bruschette and got pasta. I ordered some penne with tomato sauce (it was better than how I'm describing it) and Melissa got some sort of pesto pasta which looked delicious as well. Afterwards, we were beat and went to bed.

The next day, we got some hot drinks (me, hot chocolate, her, cappuccino) and some croissants with nutella in the middle and had a traditional Italian breakfast. Afterwards, we wandered around the city. For lunch, we got falafels and then explored some more. After taking a break in the late afternoon, we went again to the same place to eat. This time, I got pizza and Melissa got risotto, a rice dish of sorts. We went out to a bar, had a few drinks, then called it a night; both of us were beat.

The next morning, we woke up, and I felt even worse. After getting some sandwiches from a cafe, we made our way back to the train station and headed home. It was a lot of fun walking around, looking at the sights and was a nice break from hectic school.

Next weekend, we're all going with our program to see Naples which should be really neat! The weekend after that is Paris, and after that, I plan on sleeping! Also possibly doing some homework! ;)

Ciao for now!

 View from our hostel!
 Not yet ready to face the day.

 View at night!

 A church we found.

 It was very windy that day!

 She took a lot of pictures of being outside the window...
 A fountain in the piazza.

Ready to leave! Stupid cold.

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