Friday, April 27, 2012

Another Week Gone...

I cannot believe that I only have two weeks left here in Italy! The time has gone WAY too quickly. It seems like just yesterday I arrived in the city which was covered in snow! Luckily, the weather has greatly improved since then and I now have a better grip of how to get around the city. Just in time to leave, ofcourse.

As for this week, I have had to write a few papers which I procrastinated on a bit. This Wednesday was a holiday so I didn't have class then- it was their Independence Day. The other days however I did have class. Nothing too exciting happening there- just preparing for finals, believe it or not.

I have been getting gelato pretty much daily as usual and have been roaming the city. It's going to be hard to leave.

I'm not sure what I will be doing this weekend. Since the weather is warmer, I'm hoping I'll be able to go to the beach sometime!

I will be seeing everyone soon!


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