Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So Naples was loads of fun- in summary, we saw, we ate, we conquered!

On Monday morning, we went to Rome Termini station and took the train to Naples Central station which took about two and a half hours and went by pretty quickly. Once we got to Naples, it was around 5:00 and we checked in at the hostel. Afterwards, we searched for one of the more famous pizzerias in Naples, called Trianon. It was really good- the crust almost tasted like a chewy pretzel- delicious! Afterwards, we walked back to our hostel, split a bottle of wine, and hung out for the rest of the night.

The hostel was pretty nice and wasn't too crowded- it was a lot different then the one we stayed at in Perugia. We slept in a bunkbed in a room of about ten which was half full. The next day, we went on a hunt for pastries, which southern Italy is apparently more famous for then their gelato.It took us awhile, but we found a small place and each had a pastry- I had a chocolate cornetto and Mel had a chocolate filled donut. Both were delicious. Afterwards, we walked around the city center, did some sightseeing, and took some photos of famous places.

The thing I first noticed about Naples is that it is a lot less eco friendly then Rome- there was a lot of trash everywhere! Another thing about Naples is that it seemed more crowded and hectic- Mel said it reminded her of a more middle-Eastern city-feel. Not as many people smoked however and you could tell the people there liked to eat! I was probably taller than 90 percent of the folks there as well!

We tried going to Mount Vesuvius in hopes of hiking the entire volcano, but apparently got off on the wrong stop so we got there too late. Oh well! We headed back into Naples and went to probably the most famous pizzeria in Naples, Da Michele. I think this is the place where Julia Roberts ate and where she filmed Eat, Pray, and Love. I think both of us agreed that this place had the best pizza we have yet to taste in Italy! It was huge, the crust was amazing, the cheese was delicious, and the tomato sauce was delicious. Buonissima.

Afterwards, we walked for hours on the seaside, which was gorgeous. I really enjoyed the sights and needed the exercise, that's for sure! Afterwards, we got a bottle of wine, bought another couple of pastries- I think they were called sfogliatelles, something like that- and chilled at a piazza, enjoying the night.

Unfortunately, when we got back, we checked the forecast and it showed rain. We decided that we would leave tomorrow since we didn't feel like walking around in the rain! So today, we searched for more pastries in vain; we tried finding the place we went to a couple of weeks ago with the school, but we were fruitless (or rather, pastryless). After walking around the city center for a couple of hours, we headed towards the train station and took the next train home, to Roma!

Now I am back at Melissa's apartment, where I got a slice of pizza and a kit kat bar and am chowing down. Tomorrow I will try to start eating healthy again ;)

More later!

On the train to Naples! 
The menu to one of the most famous pizzerias in Naples. 
What to get, what to get... 
That'll do. 
 A challenge, but I'm up to it. 
The other famous pizzeria.  
The train station to go to Pompeii. 
 The fail of climbing Mount Vesuvius.
Julia Roberts was here! 
A big challenge- and we felt it afterwards! 
On the sea. 

It's not a green screen! 

A tunnel.  

The streets of Naples. 
And the castles of Naples.
Inside the galleria.  

We're not sure where we were, but it looked cool! 

Another castle. 

Naples in its glory. 
Pastries we brought for the train ride. 

1 comment:

  1. what an adventure you had and I know you will always remember it, however, its good to have you back home!!

