Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Hello all and ciao!

Yesterday, I had my usual two classes. In the first one, we went on quite an excursion! We met at the Colosseum Metro entrance (which is coincidentally right across the street from the Colosseum!) and headed towards San Pietro where Pope Julius II's Tomb is, housing Michelangelo's famous Moses statue. Afterwards we took a subway to visit another church and a famous archway. Although I left my apartment at 8 am, I was sweating it to get there on time in an hour! Just to give you an idea, I walked down Via Flaminia for about twenty minutes, then took a bus on Via del Corso, which dropped me off at Piazza Venezia. From there I power walked the rest of the way. Very stressful! There seem to be a lot of tourists here, thanks probably to Easter.

Afterwards, I went and studied a little bit for my Italian quiz, got some pizza for lunch, then hung out with Melissa for a little bit, getting some gelato in Trastevere, a section of Rome that she lives in. Afterwards, I headed back to class and took my quiz and learned a little bit about direct and indirect pronouns. Once that was over and done with, I met up with Mel again and we got gelato again, this time at a place closer to the Pantheon called Della Palma. We then headed back to my place where I proceeded to pack some things to keep over at her place for the weekend. Once we got back to her place, it was late and we were starving! A friend of ours recommended a place that apparently made really great Neapolitan pizza, which is a little thicker in crust then Roman style. We were not disappointed! It was delicious! Afterwards, we went to Baccanale and enjoyed a bottle of wine. We then realized how much we had turned into our mothers sharing a bottle of chardonnay. Not only are we both left handed like our mothers, but we also prefer the same drinks!

I stayed the night over at her place and we got a late start, but made up for it in sight seeing in central Rome! I got some pizza for lunch, then we got ready to go see this famous monument, but it was too crowded and we didn't feel like waiting to stick our hand in the thing like in that movie, Roman Holiday. We walked on the river a little bit, and then headed to the Jewish Ghetto. After traipsing around, we headed to Piazza Venezia and had a photo shoot! From there we walked to Via Nazionale where a bunch of shops were and basically window shopped since we are both broke! However, there is always money (or atleast meal tickets) for gelato and thus got some on the way back to her place at Giolitti. She actually got something called a Granita di Caffe (I think) which is a coffee drink of some sort. I stuck with chocolate fondente and gnutella ice cream. It was a wise choice.

Afterwards, we took the tram back to her place, and are ready now to go out for dinner! This should be a fun weekend in Rome! We are staying here for Easter, but on Monday we plan on taking a little trip to Naples for spring break for three days where we will eat our weight in pizza.

Stay tuned for more later!

 Pizza at Pizzeria Nerone

 Ruins of Jewish Ghetto

 On Piazza Venezia!

Always a good day for gelato!

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