Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mamma Mia!

Hi Everyone,

Today was a day of walking and feasting! I didn't have my Michelangelo class again, so I slept in until 9:30 (I went to bed at 10 last night, so I wasn't too tired; still, that's over 11 hours of sleep!). I lounged a bit until I decided to go to school. Once there, I went to Pizza Rustica, had some pizza and then met up with a friend and explored Trastevere, a section of Rome. We walked to the top of one of the seven hills of Rome and got some great pics! Before my class, I treated myself to some gelato (since I walked so much) and then learned about Greek statues from the classical period.

Afterwards, I met up with Melissa and we hung out a bit, then went and got dinner (more pizza!). Ofcourse on our way, we got lost and couldn't find the place for awhile, even though it was close to her apartment. We blamed our sense of direction on the fact that we're both left-handed. We'll go with that. After eating a whole pizza each, we decided to walk and get some gelato (I know, again) and ate it on the top of this staircase that overlooks the Tiber river. Afterwards, I walked part of the way home and then took the metro (subway) the rest of the way.

There are so many flavors of gelato, but I can't seem to say no to chocolate at every place. Each gelato tastes a little different, but they are all delicious. It seems as if I cannot get enough pizza and ice cream. It's a good thing I walk so much!

Tomorrow I only have one class again, and then I might go out. Friday morning we go to the Vatican museums. Then later in the day, I will be off to Barcelona! After today, I probably won't be able to update my blog until Monday evening or Tuesday- there should be lots of pictures though!

 A church on the hills of Trastevere
 Rome or death! Atleast that's what it says on the top of the building.
 The view doesn't do it justice.
 I climbed many steps to reach this point.
Another view of Rome

Waiting for the metro


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Another Day


I did in fact get to sleep in a bit on Monday, which was super nice! I didn't leave for class until around 1ish and had some pizza and crispy m&ms for lunch! What a find! I think I prefer the pretzel ones though.... Anyways, after a lunch spent in Piazza Navonna, I headed back for my three o'clock class which consisted of Greek pottery. Afterwards, I met up with a few girls and got gelato - chocolate fondente! That is definitely my favorite flavor. I will miss it so much when I go back home. My fellow ice cream lovers, I wish I could send you some, but alas.

After getting gelato, I hung out at my friend's apartment, and we went and had dinner at a place close by their apartment. It was pretty good, but the pizza I had last time was better then this time around. Pizza is one food I could never get sick of, that's for sure! After dinner, we made our way to the Auditorium, their concert hall which is really close by my place, and listened to Rafal Blechacz play some Beethoven (lots of chromatic and arpeggiated chords, showing off, but nevertheless impressive) and Dvorak's 7th symphony. I really liked the second movement. It didn't hurt that it started out with a clarinet solo! I remember my freshmen year playing his 8th symphony and having a blast. I really miss music. :(

Anyways, it was after 11 when we got out, and as prone to do, we got lost. I was going to stop by at my apartment, but we soon abandoned that idea and went back to the girl's place. We were also going to get gelato, but it was unfortunately closed. The nerve of them.

Today, I woke up early for my 9 am class and we went on a site visit for High Renaissance Art to Villa Farnesina which was painted by various famous artists like Raphael and constructed by Bramante. After class, I walked home and only waited 2 minutes for a bus! It's so nice when you catch it and don't have to wait half an hour. I think for my next class today, I will take the metro and walk a little further since I have time. It's nice out, in the 60s I believe and sunny.

That's all for now - I'll keep you posted as usual!

View of the Auditorium from my apartment. It's three separate buildings, and the ceiling looks like a turtle shell!

 At dinner!
 Today's visit- the fresco shows Alexander the great and his other half on their wedding night.
 The Zodiac Room - ceiling.
Another ceiling fresco of the Greek/Roman gods.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Ciao all!

Well, the weekend has come to an end, and soon it will be time to start another school week! On Saturday, I hung out with a friend and watched a couple of movies. We watched the new Miyazaki film, The Secret Life of Arietta, a cartoon from Studio Ghibli and Midnight in Paris, with Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams, which is  Woody Allen's latest picture. Both were entertaining. The first movie was about a "borrower" family who were all the size of one's thumb. It didn't have as much action as his other films, but it was more sentimental and emotional than many of the others. As for Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen's character is in the city of love with his fiance, who is very prestigious and snotty. He finds himself alone in Paris and midnight and goes back in time, meeting various famous faces, such as Cole Porter, Josephine Baker, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald to name a few.

After getting a few groceries, I headed back to my apartment and relaxed the rest of the night. The next morning, I took the metro to school and walked to school where I got on a bus to go to Subiaco with about a dozen other students. The town is about an hour North I think of Rome and is home to many famous monasteries. We also got a nice lunch with the tour, having a three course meal with fresh bread. Besides visiting two monasteries (St. Benedict was one of them), we went on a little nature hike since we were up in the mountains. It was very beautiful and the weather was pretty nice.

Going home, I decided to try taking the bus- bad idea! I waited half an hour for it, and by the time it came, I got to one stop, and then the bus broke down. I was not happy! I walked a little further to go to the metro station, and found out I just missed the train! After waiting, I finally made it back to my apartment in about 90 minutes. I am very jealous of those who are ten minutes away from the school walking distance!

Tomorrow, I don't have my Michelangelo class, so I will get to sleep in a little and go to my next class at 3. I also will be seeing a Beethoven Symphony at the Auditorium which is right by my apartment!

I thought I'd add a little something fun: ten things I miss most about the states!

10. The Convenience of Having a Car - after dealing with public transportation tonight, I really wanted to get home quickly and safely. I know sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches, but they suck nevertheless.

9. Mexican Food - Here you don't run into much Mexican food, so no tacos or quesadillas for this chica.

8. TV - I really didn't know how much TV I watched until I was away from home. I even miss hulu - it's hard to stream shows here and takes hours to load.

7. Music - It's weird not having music classes or being able to sing or play any instruments often. After having played music for so long, it's odd to take such a hiatus from it.

6. Studio Art - It's also weird to be taking only art history classes and no studio art. I miss working with my hands :(

5. The Dollar - The dollar is a lovely thing; I never realized how cheap things are in the states until I went to Europe.

4. Chicken - This meat is hard to find here in Italy! The deli meat tastes different here as well. I miss chicken!

3. American Candy - Besides twix and kit kat bars (which are both 2 of my favorites, but still), there aren't many of the same candy bars here. Sometimes a girl just craves chocolate. However, Europe has a few good candy bars, such as Bueno Bars, which are chocolate wafers filled with hazelnut.

2. Friends from home and school - I really miss the people from home. Although I don't see my friends from home often, it's nice to know they're at a closer distance. I also miss people at Bradley- I am happy to have one more year left there!

1. My Family - It's definitely tough being away from them, especially after having six weeks at home for winter break. I miss watching late night tv with my mom and getting mexican food and going on the occasional walk with my dad. I also miss my cousins and aunts and uncles I would hang out with. It's weird no longer seeing them daily or even monthly.

Anyways, if any of you want to come visit me, and can afford it (ha), please do.

Miss you all!

Love from Caroline

 I think this is the Abbey of St. Scholastica?
 A statue in the courtyard of the monastery

 A villa of Nero's.
 A little chapel outside the monastery.
 At St. Benedict Monastery

Fresco inside the Monastery

Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Update

Hey everyone!

The past few days have been pretty busy! I finally got to my Wednesday 11 am class on time - a half hour early, actually! I then went and had lunch and hung out with a friend until my next class. After my ancient art class, I went back to my friend's apartment and we discussed a possible trip to Barcelona - this is the cheapest it will ever be to travel, and how many more times will I be in Europe?

 Anyways, a group of us afterwards went out for dinner and I got pizza and we had gelato later where I got chocolate fondente (dark chocolate) and oreo cookie. Delicious. I also might have had gelato earlier in the day... Afterwards, we went and saw George Clooney's latest film, the Descendants, called Paridiso Amoroso I think here. I enjoyed it a lot- it was a little sad, but entertaining. I would recommend seeing it if you like him and more serious topics in film.

The next day, I had my 9 am class, which meant waking up extremely early! That's never fun, but sometimes you just have to get up when you don't want to. I'm sure most people can relate. Anyways, after my high renaissance art class, I headed towards Trastevere, a little section of Rome where a lot of the students live in their apartments and where cheap shops and food places are located. I happened to meet up with a friend, and we shopped; I got a few pairs of shoes I have been needing desperately, as well as some makeup and face wash and body spray. The essentials, ofcourse. I also got a nice scarf for 3 euro. We then went and had lunch at a little cafe where I had a delicious salad and lots of fresh bread. We then went back to her apartment and sat out on her terrace, the sun beating down on us. I am a little disappointed to hear that it's nice in the midwest as well! So much for escaping the bad weather.

After going to my second class of the day, Italian, I went and got some gelato and then went with a friend who is interested in getting a tattoo. She got it today done on her arm; it's a tree and looks really cool, but tattoos just aren't my thing. I don't even have my ears pierced, let alone tats! So no worries, parents. ;) We then went and cooked dinner at her place. We had gnocchi with pesto and broccoli and eggplant (she's a vegetarian), as well as salad and a LOT of bread. I was very stuffed at the end of the meal.

I got to sleep in today until past noon - about 13 hours! It was wonderful and I felt pretty darn refreshed. I met up with a few friends and we walked around a bit in search of Villa Borghese, one of Rome's main parks. Lots of dogs ran free and kids and people were everywhere, sitting, enjoying the sun's rays or out on a stroll. Afterwards, we decided to split up; I walked home from there, which took 20 minutes (a short time considering how far I am from most people and places). After making myself a late lunch, I am here now typing this blog. So you're all caught up on what I've been up to. I plan on going out tonight; not sure what I'll be doing, but it should be fun nevertheless.


 View of Modern Art Museum - very close to my apartment!
 In Villa Borghese. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today has been a long one - I had to wake up at 7 am to make sure I would make it in time for my 9 am class. I ofcourse got there 45 minutes early, so walked around a little before meeting at the spot where our lecture was for the day. We were at the Campidoglio, designed by Michelangelo. I gave a short little presentation on it, and the teacher lectured the rest of the time. It's really neat though to see in person the art we're talking about.

Afterwards, I headed back to school to do some reading, and had lunch afterwards (pizza and gelato, chocolate ofcourse- one of these days I'll try a different flavor) and walked around a little. I then went and played around on the computer before my Italian class. Two and a half hours later, I was out and decided I'd walk home. I went along the river, and the total walk took exactly an hour. If I walk again, I might try a different route to see how it goes.

I am so tired! I am probably going to end up in bed soon so that I can be sure to wake up and be on time for my class tomorrow! I think I'm going to try and take the metro tomorrow, so I'll leave early for that as well.

By the way, there are crispy m&ms here; remember those? They tasted a little different from US m&ms but are chocolate nonetheless so I can't really complain. Today is the last day of Carnivale, which is popular here in Italy. I plan on celebrating it by getting an extra hour or two of sleep!

Happy fat tuesday! (I ate lots of chocolate today so I think I did my part.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Manic Monday

Well, the weekend has already passed and it's time to start another week!

On Saturday, I slept in until noon and passed the first part of the moody, thanks to that special time of the month. However, I got over it and around 6 I went out and met a friend for dinner. We then went around the city, taking various buses, just trying to get our sense of the place. The girl who I went with is from Vietnam, but has been studying for the past two years in the states. She says she definitely went through culture shock in America and it was hard at first to adjust, but you get used to it and soon love it!

Afterwards, we went with another friend and went out for the night, ending up at an Irish pub.

I spent the night over at another girl's place, and woke up and met two other girls and hung out with them most of the day. We walked around a little, watched a movie, The Vow, and made a great dinner! We had bread with pesto, mozzerella cheese, and tomato, penne pasta with tomato sauce, and for dessert cookies and gelato!  I was stuffed!

Today started off on a bit of a sour note; the bus I was supposed to take at 10:12 broke down so I had to wait until the next bus came, which was at 10:40. I then took a taxi the rest of the way so I wouldn't be AS late as if I walked there. I got to class 20 minutes late and was not happy. On the bright side, I made it!

After that, I got some food for lunch (chocolate gelato included) and hung out waiting for my next class. Afterwards, I took the bus home in rush hour, which with my walk took an hour. It has been raining all day today, but is supposed to clear up by tomorrow. The rest of the week should be sunny and in the 60s. Tomorrow, although I have a 9 am class, I plan on trying to walk to school if it's not raining. If it happens to be raining, I'll be sure to take an earlier bus!

Wednesday night, a bunch of us are going to the cinema to see an English movie, and Sunday we're taking a little trip to Subiaco. I'll keep you posted. I have to go now; lots of homework!!!


Friday, February 17, 2012


Well, I made it through my first week of classes (2 days worth, but still, an accomplishment nonetheless).

Yesterday, I had to wake up at 7 am (very early) for my 9:00 class which was meeting outside of the Colosseum. We didn't go there, but to a church which we were studying. We went down into the catacombs of the place to see art from even earlier and studied the private chapel in the church that hosts St. Katherine's story. After class, I went with a few girls and got my Italian textbook for class. Then, we went and got lunch; I got pizza and gelato, ready now to eat some real food! My stomach was and is fine, so no worries! Good as new!

Anyways, after lunch, me and another girl went to Piazza Navona to hang out and do some homework. The weather has finally taken a turn for the better and has been in the fifties as of late. Afterwards, I had my Italian language class which didn't seem too bad. I've been taking the bus to and from school, and sometimes it takes twenty minutes for a bus to come, then you have to sit through traffic. I am considering trying the metro again soon.

Today, I left at 11 to meet at the school at noon for an art tour where we walked around Rome and ooh-ed and ah-ed. After that, two girls and I did a little shopping at the Disney store! and a few other places. I didn't get much, just a few things for some special people ;)

After shopping and some more gelato (I can't get myself to not get chocolate! unless it's dark chocolate), I went off on my own to get some groceries and headed back to my homestay. Once I dropped off the groceries, I decided to go on a stroll around my area to try and learn it a little better. Driving around on the bus has helped a little with that too. In ten minutes, I ended up at the Modern Art museum and might have used the back entrance to get in... I didn't know you had to buy a ticket! Ofcourse, no one noticed or atleast cared and I didn't stay too long because it was getting dark.

After walking through the museum a little, I headed back home (didn't get too lost!) and made myself some dinner. I love Italian bread here, but am not crazy about the meats. I also like the idea of eating cookies for breakfast!

Tonight I'm just going to relax and maybe do some reading for my classes. Nothing too strenuous.

Hope you all are enjoying my blog! Feel free to comment!


 Outside in Piazza Navonna. Very close to my school!
 The tower actually comes from Egypt; I think it's one of 11 here in Rome.

 Inside a church
 At the Fontana di Trevi again!
 Spanish Steps
Yes, there are palm trees here in Rome!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Day of Class (For Me Atleast!)


Well, today I went to my first classes, Michelangelo in Rome, and Ancient Roman and Greek Art. Today, I took the bus for the first time, which was fine until I got out. Instead of following direct streets, I took my chances and got lost (whoops). I ended up being a half hour late to class after talking to Rosanna and Beatrice, staff members through AIFS and settling some things. Still, I made it!

After my first class, I went and had lunch with a few friends, grabbing a panino and coke. Then we went to the Pantheon and Fontana Trevi and looked around a bit. After that, I went to my second class, and three of us met up again to go see the Jewish ghetto. Very Kosher. I was told to go there to get cheap school supplies (which I did!) and we sat at a cafe and relaxed until it got a little chilly outside. After that, one of my friends walked me back to my bus stop (thank you, Melissa!) and took the bus back home.

Tomorrow, I have class somewhere other then school, but all I know is that we're meeting at the metro outside of the Colosseum. No big deal. I'll be leaving plenty early to go to this because I can't count on the buses being on time or my lousy sense of direction. However, after today, I feel a lot better already traveling through the streets of Rome. In a week or two, it should be no biggie I hope!

I'm not sure what my plans are yet for the weekend, but I'll keep you posted.

 The Pantheon!
 Outside the Pantheon
 ... and inside!
 The hole in the ceiling.
 On a pillar of the Pantheon. Say that five times fast!
 Larger shot of it
 Ruins by the Jewish ghetto
 and me

 We tried taking this picture five times and it was a fail every one of them.
Lights that cover the top of Via del Corso, where lots of shops are