Monday, February 20, 2012

Manic Monday

Well, the weekend has already passed and it's time to start another week!

On Saturday, I slept in until noon and passed the first part of the moody, thanks to that special time of the month. However, I got over it and around 6 I went out and met a friend for dinner. We then went around the city, taking various buses, just trying to get our sense of the place. The girl who I went with is from Vietnam, but has been studying for the past two years in the states. She says she definitely went through culture shock in America and it was hard at first to adjust, but you get used to it and soon love it!

Afterwards, we went with another friend and went out for the night, ending up at an Irish pub.

I spent the night over at another girl's place, and woke up and met two other girls and hung out with them most of the day. We walked around a little, watched a movie, The Vow, and made a great dinner! We had bread with pesto, mozzerella cheese, and tomato, penne pasta with tomato sauce, and for dessert cookies and gelato!  I was stuffed!

Today started off on a bit of a sour note; the bus I was supposed to take at 10:12 broke down so I had to wait until the next bus came, which was at 10:40. I then took a taxi the rest of the way so I wouldn't be AS late as if I walked there. I got to class 20 minutes late and was not happy. On the bright side, I made it!

After that, I got some food for lunch (chocolate gelato included) and hung out waiting for my next class. Afterwards, I took the bus home in rush hour, which with my walk took an hour. It has been raining all day today, but is supposed to clear up by tomorrow. The rest of the week should be sunny and in the 60s. Tomorrow, although I have a 9 am class, I plan on trying to walk to school if it's not raining. If it happens to be raining, I'll be sure to take an earlier bus!

Wednesday night, a bunch of us are going to the cinema to see an English movie, and Sunday we're taking a little trip to Subiaco. I'll keep you posted. I have to go now; lots of homework!!!


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