Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Day of Class (For Me Atleast!)


Well, today I went to my first classes, Michelangelo in Rome, and Ancient Roman and Greek Art. Today, I took the bus for the first time, which was fine until I got out. Instead of following direct streets, I took my chances and got lost (whoops). I ended up being a half hour late to class after talking to Rosanna and Beatrice, staff members through AIFS and settling some things. Still, I made it!

After my first class, I went and had lunch with a few friends, grabbing a panino and coke. Then we went to the Pantheon and Fontana Trevi and looked around a bit. After that, I went to my second class, and three of us met up again to go see the Jewish ghetto. Very Kosher. I was told to go there to get cheap school supplies (which I did!) and we sat at a cafe and relaxed until it got a little chilly outside. After that, one of my friends walked me back to my bus stop (thank you, Melissa!) and took the bus back home.

Tomorrow, I have class somewhere other then school, but all I know is that we're meeting at the metro outside of the Colosseum. No big deal. I'll be leaving plenty early to go to this because I can't count on the buses being on time or my lousy sense of direction. However, after today, I feel a lot better already traveling through the streets of Rome. In a week or two, it should be no biggie I hope!

I'm not sure what my plans are yet for the weekend, but I'll keep you posted.

 The Pantheon!
 Outside the Pantheon
 ... and inside!
 The hole in the ceiling.
 On a pillar of the Pantheon. Say that five times fast!
 Larger shot of it
 Ruins by the Jewish ghetto
 and me

 We tried taking this picture five times and it was a fail every one of them.
Lights that cover the top of Via del Corso, where lots of shops are