Friday, February 17, 2012


Well, I made it through my first week of classes (2 days worth, but still, an accomplishment nonetheless).

Yesterday, I had to wake up at 7 am (very early) for my 9:00 class which was meeting outside of the Colosseum. We didn't go there, but to a church which we were studying. We went down into the catacombs of the place to see art from even earlier and studied the private chapel in the church that hosts St. Katherine's story. After class, I went with a few girls and got my Italian textbook for class. Then, we went and got lunch; I got pizza and gelato, ready now to eat some real food! My stomach was and is fine, so no worries! Good as new!

Anyways, after lunch, me and another girl went to Piazza Navona to hang out and do some homework. The weather has finally taken a turn for the better and has been in the fifties as of late. Afterwards, I had my Italian language class which didn't seem too bad. I've been taking the bus to and from school, and sometimes it takes twenty minutes for a bus to come, then you have to sit through traffic. I am considering trying the metro again soon.

Today, I left at 11 to meet at the school at noon for an art tour where we walked around Rome and ooh-ed and ah-ed. After that, two girls and I did a little shopping at the Disney store! and a few other places. I didn't get much, just a few things for some special people ;)

After shopping and some more gelato (I can't get myself to not get chocolate! unless it's dark chocolate), I went off on my own to get some groceries and headed back to my homestay. Once I dropped off the groceries, I decided to go on a stroll around my area to try and learn it a little better. Driving around on the bus has helped a little with that too. In ten minutes, I ended up at the Modern Art museum and might have used the back entrance to get in... I didn't know you had to buy a ticket! Ofcourse, no one noticed or atleast cared and I didn't stay too long because it was getting dark.

After walking through the museum a little, I headed back home (didn't get too lost!) and made myself some dinner. I love Italian bread here, but am not crazy about the meats. I also like the idea of eating cookies for breakfast!

Tonight I'm just going to relax and maybe do some reading for my classes. Nothing too strenuous.

Hope you all are enjoying my blog! Feel free to comment!


 Outside in Piazza Navonna. Very close to my school!
 The tower actually comes from Egypt; I think it's one of 11 here in Rome.

 Inside a church
 At the Fontana di Trevi again!
 Spanish Steps
Yes, there are palm trees here in Rome!


  1. Haha...the Disney store! I'd be going there a lot too since they don't have too many over here anymore! lol I loved the little touch of Egyptian from that obelisk (you know me, obsessed with Egypt! lol). I never would have thought that they actually transported those things from Egypt back in the day in Ancient Rome (I'm assuming that's when they did, since you can't even touch them anymore!). Glad you're learning your way around, still having a good time, and getting better! Yay for being able to eat food! And muhahaha on sneaking in! :P

  2. Did you find out why they're called the Spanish Steps? I always wondered that. The food also sounds amazing btw.
