Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Update

Hey everyone!

The past few days have been pretty busy! I finally got to my Wednesday 11 am class on time - a half hour early, actually! I then went and had lunch and hung out with a friend until my next class. After my ancient art class, I went back to my friend's apartment and we discussed a possible trip to Barcelona - this is the cheapest it will ever be to travel, and how many more times will I be in Europe?

 Anyways, a group of us afterwards went out for dinner and I got pizza and we had gelato later where I got chocolate fondente (dark chocolate) and oreo cookie. Delicious. I also might have had gelato earlier in the day... Afterwards, we went and saw George Clooney's latest film, the Descendants, called Paridiso Amoroso I think here. I enjoyed it a lot- it was a little sad, but entertaining. I would recommend seeing it if you like him and more serious topics in film.

The next day, I had my 9 am class, which meant waking up extremely early! That's never fun, but sometimes you just have to get up when you don't want to. I'm sure most people can relate. Anyways, after my high renaissance art class, I headed towards Trastevere, a little section of Rome where a lot of the students live in their apartments and where cheap shops and food places are located. I happened to meet up with a friend, and we shopped; I got a few pairs of shoes I have been needing desperately, as well as some makeup and face wash and body spray. The essentials, ofcourse. I also got a nice scarf for 3 euro. We then went and had lunch at a little cafe where I had a delicious salad and lots of fresh bread. We then went back to her apartment and sat out on her terrace, the sun beating down on us. I am a little disappointed to hear that it's nice in the midwest as well! So much for escaping the bad weather.

After going to my second class of the day, Italian, I went and got some gelato and then went with a friend who is interested in getting a tattoo. She got it today done on her arm; it's a tree and looks really cool, but tattoos just aren't my thing. I don't even have my ears pierced, let alone tats! So no worries, parents. ;) We then went and cooked dinner at her place. We had gnocchi with pesto and broccoli and eggplant (she's a vegetarian), as well as salad and a LOT of bread. I was very stuffed at the end of the meal.

I got to sleep in today until past noon - about 13 hours! It was wonderful and I felt pretty darn refreshed. I met up with a few friends and we walked around a bit in search of Villa Borghese, one of Rome's main parks. Lots of dogs ran free and kids and people were everywhere, sitting, enjoying the sun's rays or out on a stroll. Afterwards, we decided to split up; I walked home from there, which took 20 minutes (a short time considering how far I am from most people and places). After making myself a late lunch, I am here now typing this blog. So you're all caught up on what I've been up to. I plan on going out tonight; not sure what I'll be doing, but it should be fun nevertheless.


 View of Modern Art Museum - very close to my apartment!
 In Villa Borghese. 


  1. It just got sort of cold again here and I'm sure it's colder up in Peoria! lol So you did escape it! :)

    You seem to be eating lots of gelato! ;) Glad to hear you've been finally getting to your classes on time and that everything is going great!

    And yes, you should take a trip to Barcelona and use some Spanish! Might as well! :P

  2. Hi, Caroline! Thanks so much for the updates. Sounds like you're having a great time (if not, I'd be happy to trade places) and really getting around well. Thanks for the postcard — wasn't David amazing? As you wrote, pictures can't do justice to the art.

  3. Kara, suddenly my Spanish is no good; I keep getting the 2 mixed up now! lol

    Dr. Heinemann, David was stunning - huge! I don't know about trading places, but you could always visit me!
