Wednesday, February 1, 2012


After another day of classes, I went to a sandwich shop and had a delicious sandwich on baguette! After doing a little homework, a group of us went to the Uffizi (sp?) Museum and saw some famous works such as Botticelli's Birth of Venus and paintings by Davinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Giotto. 

I'm so glad we were inside most of the day because it was FREEZING! I've been told by numerous folks back home that in the midwest it is in the sixties, while here I don't think it got any warmer than the upper thirties. There was a little snow on the ground even when I woke up! Apparently, it's the coldest it's been in Florence for twenty seven years. Just my luck I guess!

Tonight for dinner we are getting chocolate cake for dessert which I am very excited for. Our first quiz in our Italian class is tomorrow, so I'll be studying that tonight. 

Tomorrow, I will be going on a little trip to Pisa, and then the next morning we leave for Venice for the weekend. Stay tuned for some awesome pics!

Hope these satisfying your craving until then:
 View of hotel room in Florence.
 One of the many bridges in Florence. My hotel is on one side of the river, while the school is on the other. Depending on how quickly you walk, you can get there in about 15-20 minutes.

 A map of sorts of Florence.
 Il duomo.
Gates of Paradise 

 Palazzo Vecchio

 In a piazza square in Florence.


  1. All of the pictures are so cool! Thanks so much for sharing! I literally feel like I'm there except for the fact that like you said, it isn't cold here! My computer is telling me it's 61 degrees out right now! And I'm wearing a tank top and Capri's! lol

  2. Lucky! It was freezing today! I am not a happy fan.
