Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mamma Mia!

Hi Everyone,

Today was a day of walking and feasting! I didn't have my Michelangelo class again, so I slept in until 9:30 (I went to bed at 10 last night, so I wasn't too tired; still, that's over 11 hours of sleep!). I lounged a bit until I decided to go to school. Once there, I went to Pizza Rustica, had some pizza and then met up with a friend and explored Trastevere, a section of Rome. We walked to the top of one of the seven hills of Rome and got some great pics! Before my class, I treated myself to some gelato (since I walked so much) and then learned about Greek statues from the classical period.

Afterwards, I met up with Melissa and we hung out a bit, then went and got dinner (more pizza!). Ofcourse on our way, we got lost and couldn't find the place for awhile, even though it was close to her apartment. We blamed our sense of direction on the fact that we're both left-handed. We'll go with that. After eating a whole pizza each, we decided to walk and get some gelato (I know, again) and ate it on the top of this staircase that overlooks the Tiber river. Afterwards, I walked part of the way home and then took the metro (subway) the rest of the way.

There are so many flavors of gelato, but I can't seem to say no to chocolate at every place. Each gelato tastes a little different, but they are all delicious. It seems as if I cannot get enough pizza and ice cream. It's a good thing I walk so much!

Tomorrow I only have one class again, and then I might go out. Friday morning we go to the Vatican museums. Then later in the day, I will be off to Barcelona! After today, I probably won't be able to update my blog until Monday evening or Tuesday- there should be lots of pictures though!

 A church on the hills of Trastevere
 Rome or death! Atleast that's what it says on the top of the building.
 The view doesn't do it justice.
 I climbed many steps to reach this point.
Another view of Rome

Waiting for the metro


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